Cooking For Life Africa Task Force
About Cooking For
Life Africa Task Force (CFLA)
The Cooking For Life Africa Task Force (CFLA) is the principal vehicle through which the LPG industry supports the International Energy Agency (IEA) clean cooking projects and initiatives that emanated from the Clean Cooking in Africa Summit held in May 2024.
The CFLA is an industry initiative dedicated to promoting increased access to affordable and sustainable LPG for cooking across Africa. This includes developing an Africa LPG Roadmap and a commitment to gather and share feedback, information, data and policy asks between the LPG industry, the IEA and other stakeholders in an effort to support clean cooking initiatives. The Task Force acts as any WLGA committee or working group under the authority and guidance of the WLGA Industry Council advising and supporting strategic decisions, planning and related resources and budget implications.
The Background
The IEA, the Clean Cooking Alliance and the African Development Bank (AfDB) announced in November 2023 during COP28 in Dubai their intention to make addressing clean cooking in Africa a global priority in 2024. To kick off this initiative, IEA organised a high-level Summit that was held on 14th May 2024 in Paris and was co-hosted by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and the Government of Norway. The Summit was the largest ever clean cooking event welcoming an impressive 1,000 delegates, four heads of state, 23 ministers and 55 government delegations. The Summit was also attended by high-level representatives from industry, development partners, international organisations, philanthropies, and civil society. It resulted in 2.2 billion USD pledged from various stakeholders to clean cooking projects in Africa where four in five people still cook with biomass, wood and kerosene.
WLGA was invited by IEA to be the representative organisation for the LPG industry in this Summit and in all follow-up activities. WLGA has been working with its members, the IEA and other stakeholders to ensure that the role of LPG in meeting clean cooking targets in Africa is recognised, that the positions of the LPG industry regarding the potential of LPG to contribute to meeting clean cooking targets and the barriers to growth and the necessary policy enablers, are accurately represented.

CFLA Members
The Task Force currently comprises the following permanent members. The Task Force also engages with other stakeholders such as the African Refiners and Distributors Association (ARDA) and the Clean Cooking Alliance.

Learn more about the CFLA projects and join us
Interested in finding out more about the Cooking For Life Africa Task Force? Click here to see its Action Plan for 2025.
For information on joining the Cooking For Life Africa Task Force, please contact Michael Kelly.
Tel: +33684571281