16 January 2019

Mayor Khan plans to improve London’s air helping taxis adopt cleaner fuels

Taxis are currently responsible for 20% of harmful NOx emissions and by 2020 they will be the biggest source of transport pollution in central London. The new package of measures being proposed by the Mayor Sadiq Khan and Transport for London (TfL) to tackle taxi emissions and support drivers switching to new low and zero emission capable taxis includes:

  • A £2.5 million fund to help drivers of newer Euro 5 taxis to convert to much cleaner LPG fuel.
  • An enhanced delicensing fund, providing up to £10,000 for drivers who trade in their older, dirtier vehicles early.
  • A consultation early next year on a phased reduction in maximum taxi age limits for the dirtiest vehicles from 15 years to 12 years by 2022.

These moves will help ensure the Mayor is on track for reducing taxi emissions by 65% in 2025 to protect the health of Londoners.

Regarding transition to Autogas, a limited number of LPG conversion grants will be available to drivers of Euro 5 taxis to support the shift of those vehicles with the worst NOx emissions to cleaner vehicles. The new delicensing payments and LPG grants opened to applicants in January 2019.

TfL will consult on proposals to reduce the taxi age limit for the dirtiest vehicles to 12 years by 2022. The 15-year age limit would be strictly mandated in 2019, with a proposed reduction in the age limit each year until a 12 year age limit is reached. The age limit for Euro 6, LPG and ZEC taxis is proposed to remain at 15 years.

“Toxic air pollution in London is a major public health crisis that is stunting the lung development of our children and leads to thousands of premature deaths and increases the risk of asthma and dementia,” said Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. “We have to make tough decisions to protect the health and wellbeing of Londoners and tackle harmful emissions from the most polluting vehicles.”

For more information, please check this link.

16 January 2019