Spain: MOVES II Plan is already available in Madrid
With a total budget of 10 million Euros, the Community of Madrid has just kicked off the second edition of the MOVES Plan, aimed at funding the acquisition of new clean fuel vehicles. Thus, from 20 August citizens can request aid from the programme’s Action 1 (acquisition of alternative energy vehicles) and Action 2 (implementation of refuelling infrastructure).
The management of the aid of the MOVES II Plan in the Community of Madrid will be carried out by the Energy Foundation, while the funds come from the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE).
Among the interesting news that this new version of MOVES brings, it is worth mentioning the subsidy for the purchase of trucks powered by Autogas and natural gas, which reach 13,500 Euros for the heaviest vehicles.
The distribution of aid from the MOVES II Programme is as follows:
Action 1: Acquisition of alternative fuel vehicles (€4,388,265)
– Heavy trucks powered by Autogas natural gas (€877,653)
– Rest of the vehicles (€3,510,612)
Action 2: Implementation of refuelling infrastructure (€4,388,265)
Action 3: Implementation of electric bicycle loan systems (€219.413)
Action 4: Implementation of sustainable mobility measures to work (€1.974.719)
The Energy Foundation of the Community of Madrid will manage grants for a total of €10.970.663. For more information, please visit this link.
16 September 2020