22 January 2020

Spanish beverage distributor adds Autogas fleet for commercial operations

Spanish distributor company Moneda Zarco is firmly betting on Autogas as a sustainable, economic fuel to drive the fleet of its commercial team. It has recently added three new C3 vehicles with LPG bi-fuel technology, which have been adapted and supplied by Garage Las Flores, Citroën’s dealership in Cuenca.

“With LPG the average consumption of the vehicle drops by around 40%," said Faustino Morán, Head of New Vehicle Sales at Garaje Las Flores. “The profile of the buyer of Autogas vehicles are customers who move a lot around the city, maybe not many kilometres but very short distances that make the overall consumption of any vehicle rise a lot."

Moreover, Juan Carlos Vicente, Manager of Moneda Zarco, explained that the company is "in a process of renewal of the fleet, and what we are doing is taking advantage of the change so that all the vehicles are greener and sustainable."

According to Moneda Zarco, their commitment to the planet leads them and their main distributed brands to be more sustainable each day. “Autogas vehicles generate less emissions, are cheaper and more ecological," commented the Manager of the official distributor in Cuenca of Coca-Cola, Mahou San Miguel, Cervezas Alhambra, Solán de Cabras and Delta Cafés.

Moneda Zarco’s fleet consists of nine commercial cars and fifteen distribution vehicles. The three new cars are the first to be replaced within the company’s plan, which aims to turn all its fleet into environmentally-friendly vehicles in two years. For more information, please visit this link.

22 January 2020